“RULERS” на русском языке


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имя существительное
ruler governor prince dynast hakim
ruler rule straightedge scale foot rule ferule
ruler lord sovereign king arbiter archon
head leader manager director supervisor chief


имя существительное

leader sovereign monarch potentate king queen emperor empress prince princess crowned head head of state president premier governor overlord chief chieftain lord dictator autocrat

примеры использования

These are the proper paintings and statues for churches in a country in which the most powerful church on earth wanted to demonstrate how deep in subjection all human beings can be kept for centuries if there exists no other aim but the enlargement of the splendor and the riches of the rulers.

They know that even hundreds of thousands of Dark Kind are not enough to unseat mankind as the rulers of this world, so why did they lead the armies?

Humanity had made its own system and become the rulers of this world.

The only one who hadn’t voted was Mor, who remained in Vallahan to keep coaxing its rulers to sign the new treaty, her absence marked by a place of honor set for her at the table.