“GOOD” на казахском языке


другие переводы

имя прилагательное
good nice


имя прилагательное

fine superior quality excellent superb outstanding magnificent exceptional marvelous wonderful first-rate first-class sterling satisfactory acceptable not bad all right great OK A1 jake hunky-dory ace terrific fantastic fabulous fab top-notch blue-chip blue-ribbon bang-up killer class awesome wicked smashing brilliant


soundly thoroughly

имя существительное

virtue righteousness goodness morality integrity rectitude honesty truth honor probity propriety worthiness merit blamelessness purity


fine very well all right right all right then yes agreed okay OK okey-dokey

примеры использования

”Those were good words.

They gave their farewells in good spirits.

Sam fiddled with the cuff link to try and get the line with Heartman back, but it was no good.

We both know something that the good lords Demion and Katriona do not.

“You’re in a good mood today,” he said as she treaded out of his reach.

As far as the watching guard could tell, that was all he ever did, check on her and force a little water into her now and then – he and the guard both took a good swig of it before they fed any to Li – but what he’d forced into Li when he’d found her dying on his floor hadn’t been a potion but his blood, pure and strong, and there were consequences to doing a thing like that.

He will recover all right, don’t worry, for he has had your good medicine.

He’d spent a good deal of his youth in Cashax, roaring around the desert on the back of a sled, wadi racing and generally making an arse of himself.

With her it was not the question of how to get the gold and silver, but how to get it home, where it would have done her the most good.

No amount of driving her body into the earth would make her good.

“But I know a good story about a rich gold mine which is only two years old, and just as good or better.