“CROUP” на казахском языке



имя существительное

croupe hindquarters rump

примеры использования

The foals bear his unmistakable stamp; an elegant neck and head, good bone, round croup with a full hip and low tail set and a straight forward, suspended movement.

Adenovirus often affects the lower respiratory tract as well, causing bronchiolitis, croup , or viral pneumonia, which is less common but can cause serious illness in infants.

In children, fever associated with dyspnea usually implies an infectious cause, such as pneumonia, croup , or bronchiolitis.

Other diagnoses of similar symptoms might be croup , a foreign object in the throat, or other non-serious causes of swelling of the epiglottis.

The horse was still sporting several bald patches due to a skin rash that has clustered near his flank, croup , and hip, but the condition has had no impact on his training.